Scenic view of Prague and Charles Bridge

Common Czech Phrases

Below are the most common Czech words and phrases. The Czech alphabet consists of 42 letters with specific pronunciation for each letter. In the Czech language each letter sound is pronounced when saying the word.

The Czech language is one of the more challenging languages in the world to learn. Give yourself some time to learn it. If you hire a language teacher, be very specific about what you want to learn and how you intend to use the language. For example, I would like to learn Czech to navigate day to day activities such as supermarkets, restaurants, transportation and taxis. Or advise you to want to conduct business in Czech. If you tire of learning the language, take a break from lessons, continue to try to use it and you can always return to lessons when you feel more confident. Sometimes it is best to focus on a few phrases in the beginning, master their usage and then carry on with new phrases. Be comfortable with making mistakes and become comfortable with laughing at yourself, it is all a part of learning a new language!

Google Translate can help with basic word translations and pronunciation. Do consider having google translate app on your phone to access day to day, it does provide the necessary assistance to get your thoughts conveyed when you are not able to. If you have a need for official translation of a document please do not use Google Translate, please seek out a professional to translate the documents.

Greetings / Everyday Phrases

Hello = Dobrý den /dobree den/ Ahoj /a hoy/ (informal, greeting a good friend)
Good Bye = Na shledanou /nas-khledanow/
Good Morning = Dobrý rano /dobree rano/
Good Afternoon = Dobrý odpoledne /dobree odpoleadna/
Good Evening = Dobrý večer /dobree vecher/
Good Night = dobrou noc /dobroo notz/
Please = Prosím /proseem/
Thank you = Děkuji /dye kuyee/
Yes = ANO /ano/
No = NE /ne/

Public Transport / Dopravní Podnik

Ticket = Jízdenky
Next station = Příští zastávka
Please finish getting in and out, the doors are about to close = Ukončete prosím vỳstup a nástup, dveře se zavírají
Please let me pass = S dovolením

Stores / Obchod

Supermarket / grocery store = potraviny
Shopping mall = Obchodní centrum
Open = otevřeno
Closed = zavřeno
May I help you? = Máte přání?
I am just looking, thank you. = Jenom se dívám, děkuji.
How much is it? Or How much does it cost? = Kolik to stojí? /koh-leek toh stoh-yee/
I would like, please…. = Prosím /pro seem/
Do you have a bag? = Máte tašku?
I have a bag. = Mám tašku.
Do you have store club card? = Máte klubová karta.
I do (not) have store club card. = Mám (Nemám) klubová karta.
Cash / money = Hotovost / Penize
Credit card = kreditní karta

Restaurants / Restaurace

breakfast = snídaně
lunch = oběd
dinner = večeře
Daily menu = denní menu
Weekly menu = Polední menu
Is this seat taken? = Je tu obsazeno?
Do you have a table available? = Máte stůl dostupný?
What would you like to drink? = Co si dáte k pití?
One beer / wine please! = Jedno pivo / vino prosim
I’ll have a beer / wine please. = Dám si jedno pivo / vino prosím.
Cheers! = Na zdraví
Please, I would like….(food item) = Prosím, Dám si…
I would like coffee / tea, please. = Dám si kava / caj, prosím.
The check, please! = Platit, prosim.
We’re ready to pay, please. = Zaplatíme, prosím.

Months / Mésíce

January = Leden
February = Únor
March = Březen
April = Duben
May = Kvĕten
June = Červen
July = Červenec
August = Srpen
September = Září
October = Říjen
November = Listopad
December = Prosinec

Days of the Week / Dny

Monday = Pondělí
Tuesday = Úterý
Wednesday = Středa
Thursday = Čtvrtek
Friday = Pátek
Saturday = Sobota
Sunday = Neděle

Other Important Phrases

Do you speak English? = Mluvíte anglicky?
I do no speak Czech. = Nemluvím česky
I do not understand. = Nerozumím
Excuse Me = Prominte
Where is the toilet? = Kde je toaleta / zachod?
Men / Sir = Muzi, Pani
Women / Madam = Zeny, Damy
adult = dospělí
children = děti
Help = Pomoc
Attention / Caution = Pozor
What is it? = Co je to?
Please, write it down = Prosim napiste to
First Name = jméno
Family Name = příjmení
Telephone Number = Telefonní číslo
Today = Dnes or dneska
Tomorrow = zítra

Numbers / Číslo

0 = nula
1 = jedna
2 = dvĕ
3 = tři
4 = čtyři
5 = pět
6 = šest
7 = sedm
8 = osm
9 = devět
10 = deset
11 = jedenáct
12 = dvanáct
13 = třináct
14 = čtrnáct
15 = patnáct
16 = šestnáct
17 = sedmnáct
18 = osmnáct
19 = devatenáct
20 = dvacet
30 = třicet
40 = čtyřicet
50 = padesát
60 = šedesát
70 = sedmdesát
80 = osmdesát
90 = devadesát
100 = sto
1000 = tisíc